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Wir haben eine Reihe von Produktkatalogen zum Download bereit. Jeder deckt unsere Produkttechnologien ab. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Lesen/Herunterladen, um einen Katalog anzuzeigen oder eine Kopie herunterzuladen.


Unsere Kataloge wurden mit unseren neuen Teilenummern für 2022 aktualisiert.

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modulares Sortiment

Introducing our product catalogue, a comprehensive guide to access control and intercom systems, featuring the latest and most innovative products. This catalogue offers a wide range of products to meet the security needs of any facility.


The catalogue also features a range of other products, electric gate locks and e-LOOPs for wireless vehicle detection, all designed to meet the varying security needs of different facilities.


Don't hesitate to get in touch with us for any enquiries.


Updated: 20.06.2024

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modulares Sortiment

Check out our new Modular catalogue

Our modular collection is versatile for various uses, from individual residences to apartment complexes. Our Modular range covers all our technologies, GSM, IP-4G, Wireless & Hardwired.  With multiple modules available to choose from, to match with your chosen Modular shell, to create your Modular System.


Don't hesitate to get in touch with us for any enquiries.


Updated: 06/06/2024

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