New and Improved Products
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New and Improved Products

At AES Global we are constantly creating, adapting and developing new and existing products, to remain one of the leading manufacturers in intercom systems.

Now you can have the sleek SLIM intercom handset in either black or white! Think this trendy product would suit you? Why not learn more about this product by calling one of our reps today or visiting our product page here.

Our 705 intercom range now features the Imperial edition. What do you think of this design? With the longest RF video intercom range in the world, and features a colour camera with infrared night vision, there is no better time to get your hands on this innovative product.

Did you know...the Cellcom Prox is now in stock! With this great new product, we have added a new section to our Cellcom Prime app, specifically for programming your Prox intercom.

Make sure to keep up to date on the latest news and product releases by following us on social media and subscribing to our website!

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