Visit us at R+T Stuttgart 2018!
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Visit us at R+T Stuttgart 2018!

Will you be at R+T Stuttgart, Feb 27th - 3rd March 2018?

Find us at Stand A92 in Hall 8

The time is approaching fast: R+T will open its gates from 27 February to 3 March 2018. The specialist world will then meet in Stuttgart to obtain information on the latest products, trends and developments in the industry.

Over 900 exhibitors from all over the world will be presenting their spectacular new products from the roller shutters, doors/gates and sun protection sectors at R+T 2018.

Experience innovation pure over five days on a surface area of 120,000 m² in ten halls. Enjoy around a dozen concurrent events and special shows addressing a wide variety of topics.

AT R+T, we will have the full range of our access control products available for live demonstrations, where you can also ask any queries you have about our products.

We will have our international, France, Italian and German sales managers in attendance at our Stand A92 in Hall 8. Our operations director and managing director will also be at our stand, who will be able to answer any queries you have. If you would like to organise a meeting with anyone from our team who will be at the show, please contact us from the following details:

If you would like to avail of a FREE entry ticket to the show, get in contact with our International Sales Manager, Ray Holgate, at:

We hope to see you there!

Don't forget, Stand A92 in Hall 8.

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