AES Telecom Website

Introducing our new Telecom website.
We have given our Telecom website an update. AES Global Telecom is our sister company of our intercom manufacturer AES global brand. Our mission is to provide the most cost-effective solution to sim-based GSM Intercoms and aim to activate your sim within 30 minutes.
On the Telecom website you will find a range of different sim cards to suit all different types of Intercoms, for GSM intercoms to IP / 4G Intercom systems.
We have these sim card packages available in multiple networks covering UK, Ireland, USA, & Europe and offer a simple and easy service with dedicated customer support via email or phone call. To view our sim card deals for your Intercom please visit the Telecom website:

What is GSM Intercom?
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile. These are door intercoms or gate intercoms that use sim-based system. The intercom calls a home phone and mobile on roll-over when a visitor presses the call button. To check out our GSM door intercoms / Gate Intercoms:
What is an IP / 4G Intercom?
IP stands for Internet protocol. IP intercoms can come with a 4G access point which will provide an internet connection via a compatible SIM card. Check out our Praetorian Guard Video door intercoms / gate intercom for more product information.
Did you know that if you are an installer of intercoms or GSM products that require a SIM card, you can earn recurring revenue!? All our GSM intercoms contain a SIM card which when activated, with your unique Installer Number can generate recurring revenue for you as a registered installer.
For example, by registering 10 GSM intercoms per month using our SIM cards, you could make revenue of £780 per annum*. Register 10 SIM cards per month for 5 years, you could make a total revenue of £18,300* (*currency exchange equivalent).
To sign up and get your installer code visit our Telecom visit (for installer use only):
